Apizza Scholls - Visit #23

        A LOT has changed since our last post! My partner and I had a baby boy! He is super doughy and adorable too! Baby Doughboy is keeping me busy, but I did find time to sneak out to Apizza Scholls for our 23rd stop this year. 

        I have been to Apizza Scholls dozens of times, have had the opportunity to talk pizza with owner/founder Brian Spangler, and frequently read reviews of their pizza online. Surprisingly this  visit was very different for Veggie Doughboy. It was his first time here!

        This visit really tested our ability to stay objective, something that has been difficult as we try to keep our judging consistent through the year. On the one hand it would be easy to inflate our rating of Apizza Scholls because of all the positive reviews they receive and my positive past experiences. On the other hand, it is also a bit like going to see a movie that everyone has hyped up...sometimes your expectations can get out of whack causing you to be too critical. I believe we were able to stay objective during this visit. 

Tartufo 2

           I have always appreciated how Apizza Scholls is so focused on serving the best pizza they can. For example, when waiting to be seated you will be asked, "how many pizzas do you plan to order?". This helps them predict when their dough will run out, which is when they close for the day. I love this commitment to quality. They also are focused on perfect pizza to the point of controlling their customers! You are limited to 3 toppings per pizza. No exceptions. This does seem a bit "Pizza Nazi", but they have a good reason for it. Their dough is similar to ciabatta (crispy, flaky, airy, and chewy), and too many ingredients prevents the optimal bake.

          We started things off with the Tartufo 2. This is the sequel to the Tartufo (you can still order the Tartufo "off menu" and I highly recommend it). This is a pie I often try to recreate at home. The Tartufo 2 is made up of ricotta (whole milk & fresh), mushrooms, grana padano, and black pepper with truffle oil. Damn this is a great pie! It is up there as my favorite pizza I have tasted this year! My only hesitation with being more decisive with this claim is that Spring Veggie pie I had from Ash Wood Fired early this year. I can't shake that one!

Margherita / Diablo Blanco
            In my view, Apizza Scholls sets the bar in Portland for quality pizza. However, I think the gap is closing as other excellent pizza joints come into their own in Portland. So what makes their pizza so good? 

            Veggie Doughboy and I agreed it is their crust. Airy, crunchy, chewy, and the structural integrity are all qualities of the crust. I also think the flavor and char is near perfect as well, but Veggie didn't agree on those two qualities. Everything else about the pizza is top notch as well (toppings, bake, sauce), but I believe it is the crust they sets Apizza Scholls apart. 

Diablo Blanco

             We rounded out the night with the Diablo Blanco and Margherita. The Diablo Blanco consists of ricotta, sun dried tomato pesto, toasted pumpkin seeds, grana padano, salt, pepper, garlic, herbs, and jalapeños. This pie was delicious, but our least favorite of the night. The ingredients went well together, but we felt the jalapeños were too strong a flavor to marry with the other ingredients. However, if you love spicy, you probably will see this as a strength.

Tartufo 2
             The Margherita was excellent. Probably the best this year. This was Veggie Doughboy's favorite of the night. The mozzarella was perfectly salty and everything else about the pie was excellent. The balance of ingredients was perfect.

              All in all, Apizza Scholls is the most hyped pizza in Portland, but in our eyes for good reason. They surpass Ash Wood Fired for #1 pizza in Portland!

 Overall Rank: #1!


  1. Baby doughboy!!! Congrats! Can't wait to read through the rest of the rankings.

  2. Thank you Sue! Baby Doughboy already loves watching dad prep for pizza and bread! :)

  3. Welcome to this crazy world Baby Doughboy!


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