Ratings - Who has Portland's Best Pizza?

        We have added rankings to the bottom of each review post and we will continue this going forward. Every pizzeria is worth checking out! Here are links to each review:

Apizza Scholls
Ash Wood Fired
Double Mountain
Dove Vivi
East Glisan
Hogan's Goat
Ken's Artisan
La Sorrentina
Lovely's Fifty-Fifty
Oven & Shaker
Pizzeria Otto
Paper Bag
Pizza Jerk
Please Louise
Red Sauce
Via Chicago

Our scoring is on a 100 point scale made up of the following categories: Dough/Crust, Sauce, Toppings, X-Factor, and Overall Taste. Each category is broken down into sub-categories that make up its score. Both Veggie Doughboy and I rate the pizza after sampling anywhere from two to five pies per visit. We discuss what we think, but don't share our scores while we rank. WE ACTUALLY TAKE THE SCORING PRETTY SERIOUSLY! Like, not "lemon water sips between bites" serious, but pretty serious. 😆

        We would recommend going to every place we have tried this year. There is a reason we chose them - they are already top tier Portland pizza. There is great pizza all over Portland.

         Below are screenshots of our beautiful excel sheet categories.

         We believe great dough and how it is baked is a critical part of a good pie. It's like the foundation of a house, it has to be good for the rest to work.

           Sauce is another important component of a great pie. Does it compliment the pizza, can you even taste it, or is it all you taste? We like a nice balance - tasting the great flavor of fresh tomatoes, mixed into sauce with great texture. And as Veggie likes to say, "the sauce is the bridesmaid, and never should get more attention than the bride".

            We broke out toppings to be able to rate how fresh they are, and well they work with the other flavors of the pie.

        The X-Factor category isn't weighted very high, but gives us the opportunity to reward restaurants that are doing a bit more with the little things. A few examples include: Life of Pie's pepper oil, Nostrana's scissors, Ken's sea salt and fresh pepper etc. Sometimes it is something about the ingredients, like Ash's dough, or Pizza Jerk's pan bake pizza with the melted cheese on the perimeter of the crust.

           Overall Taste is the category that makes or breaks the rating. The other categories obviously influence how high this score is as well. If the dough isn't up to par, then it is unlikely the overall taste will be good. However, this is the category for us to put it all together and rate how the pizza tastes.

          Everything rolls up into a total score out of 100 possible points. So after 16 visits, who has Portland's best pizza? You can find out by looking at the bottom of each visit post. You will be surprised who is #1! We hope you enjoy following our adventure this year!
